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Secure CMS & Smart Intranets

Know better, do better. Drive Clarity with Anytime Anywhere Content. Setup content on-demand for anytime anywhere access by people in-sites and on-the-go. Fit-to-purpose, set-in-context and select-to-share. Publish real-time updates. Democratize information to keep everyone on the same page - selective sharing for sensitive information.

We believe when you know better you do better.

Access to common content fosters trust amongst teams and groups. Inclusion drives an empowered culture. Information drives contextual (big-picture) clarity. Democratized content strengthens shared beliefs and translates them into actions for greater progress. With smarter ways to align, people work-in-tandem with each other. Our cloud applications enable you to achieve this. As you and your team get smarter at what they do, business yields better and faster progress in line with your larger purpose.

With smarter ways to work and learn, people perform better. Content on-demand available on-the-go offers leverages to do better and do more.

Easily Get Your Content to Work for You



On-the-go and on-demand democratization of content | Inclusion both perceived and proven



Usable by non-tech users | Create Once Publish Everywhere (COPE) - allows you to map one piece of content in various sites on the platfrom and also map into product catalogs etc.



Fit to context | Flexible to organize as per custom needs | Easy to repurpose, reorder, recycle and reuse



Selective access based on information sensitivity | Controlled access from user to user | Purpose driven sharing | Manage access rights easily | Separate circles for confidential information



Publish instantly - edit and refresh to immediately release new content, latest updates and revised versions to everyone



Professionally presented | Easy to navigate | Organized neatly | Quick search



Enterprise grade security | 128-bits encryption over HTTPS | Security checks on user interface | Role based access controls

Content is king. Collaboration is key. Live share of common content fosters cohesive thinking across people and groups - from top leaders to senior management to front-line staff; from people in office to field force on-the-go.

For All Users (coding skills NOT needed)


Edit & Manage

SIMPLE TEXT EDITOR - Open the edit page, type or paste into the text editor and simply save. No different from any other text with basic font style and bullet options. Easy to use by anyone anywhere.

UPLOAD FILES - PICTURES & DOCUMENTS - Simply upload pictures and files to the cloud. All common file types are supported both for pictures (jpg, png and more) and documents (Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Text and more).

QUICK EDIT BUTTON - User with editing rights (when logged in) sees the edit button on the page header. This makes life easy to quickly go to edit page without the need to go through the control panel to the gallery and seach for the specific page to edit.

FAMILIAR FOLDER-LIKE GALLERIES - Easy to understand and use - the gallery view for each content element is like a simple folder - with custom tagging feature to organize every piece of content into categories.


Organize & Curate

CURATE COLLECTIONS ON A PAGE - Build logical content pathways to set it in context for reading, learning, reference, sharing etc.

PUBLISH MULTIPLE SITES - Map the content to as many sites as you need to make websites and intranets as per your need.

4-LEVEL SITE MENU - Map deep content structures with a 4-level navigation menu. Simplified user expereince in a layered view on top-left on all devices - additionally appears on the header in desktop view. Made easy to manage menus as you prepare and upload the menu in an easy Excel template.

PAGE & TAB-LEVEL LINKING - Build reference links or other content pathways by hyperlinking content from text on any page to another page or even deep into it to a tab on any page.


Publish & Share

OVER 500 WIDGET OPTIONS - Each piece of content is represented by a widget for it to be contextually curated into collections on pages. Simplified widget options to choose from based on proportion and relative placement of pictures; number of columns; boxes with margins or tiles without margins or a slider; with or without description/ credits and more.

ACCESS SETTINGS - Select for each piece of content on access rights - from public websites to selective viewing rights to make secure intranets.

EASY ON THE EYE - RESPONSIVE UX - HTML-5 based fully responsive page design for consistently super user experience acorss devices and screen sizes.

SOCIAL SHARING LINKS - Simply activate social sharing links for any page to show links for popular social sharing sites in the published view.

SEARCH KEYWORDS - Add search keywords on the edit page to map relevant criteria for SEO.

Educate. Engage. Endorse.

In the internet economy with live-sharing and real-time updates, content is king. Social fabric in teams, groups and networks now operate with the trust of equal information with all at all times. Passive information does not deliver results - you need to make your content to work for you. Make your information actionable by making it readily and easily available on-the-go.

Harness the power of your content by making it an active catalyst for the performance of one and all at the point-of-need and time-of-need.

More For Pro User (HTML coding skills needed)



Text editor offers to open the source code in a pop-up window for you to edit directly in HTML. This opens significantly larger creative possibilities to exploit the canvas.



Boost the UX with by using the grid structure and more aspects of the Bootstrap framework to design pages that match your brand and creative styles.



Leverage popular selection of icons to heighten the expression on your website and intranets. FontAwesome comes pre-mapped for your use.



Color palette with carefully selected 100 colors plus many style classes to ease and enable freedom to code your own user experience.



CMS supports transparent PNGs for you to explore more creative ways to design your web pages.

Share content within teams. Spark engagement and confidence. Improve performance. Enhance culture with recognition, democratization, transparency and many more ways.